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Welcome to Episode 83 of the Fore Golfers Network Podcast!
This episode of the FGN Podcast features our exclusive conversation with Ryder Cup great and World Golf Hall of Fame Member, Colin Montgomerie. We talk Ryder Cup, his career highs and lows, the Tour Champions grind, and more. Monty is one of the most engaging and insightful golfers of the generation…enjoy and please share the link, and SUBSCRIBE to the FGN Podcast!
Special note: It would be a great help to us if you would give the podcast a 5-star rating in iTunes. The more of those, the better our listing in search engines in the crowded world of golf podcasts. In fact, we’ll draw one name from all the 5-star raters this week to win a dozen Snell Golf Balls bearing the FGN logo. Ready…set…rate!