Monday, February 17, 2025
Home Opinion FGN Ep 96 – Ryan Lavner, Golf Channel Sr Writer

FGN Ep 96 – Ryan Lavner, Golf Channel Sr Writer

by Bill Hobson
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Welcome to Episode 96 of the Fore Golfers Network Podcast!

Ryan Lavner is a Golf Channel Senior Writer, great follow on Twitter, good-natured, insightful, and about to be a new dad. We talk about: The Match, the game, Brandel’s blocking prowess, distance, and much more as Ryan joins us in a fast-moving episode of the FGN Podcast!

Listen, subscribe and please SHARE the link!

Special note: Each week, we draw one winner from all those who give the FGN Podcast a 5-star rating in Apple Podcasts. Your rating helps us, so we want to say thank you by providing a dozen Snell Golf Balls bearing the FGN logo. Ready…set…rate!

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