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Home Opinion Prez Cup Recap – An Ode To Captain Tiger

Prez Cup Recap – An Ode To Captain Tiger

by Bill Hobson
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Welcome to the Season 3 Finale Special Edition of the Fore Golfers Network Podcast as we pay tribute to a fantastic President’s Cup at Royal Melbourne.

On this episode you’ll hear: an FGN original song written and poorly performed by Bill Hobson, Adam from Golf Unfiltered, Ryan from Golf NewsNet, a caller’s thoughts on the Prez Cup, and more!


Join us for an FGN Fan Trip to BIG CEDAR LODGE near Branson, October 4-7! We’re playing all the courses – including the new Payne’s Valley, Tiger’s only public design in the US – and have rolled all golf, lodging, and meals into one incredibly low price.

With only 5 rooms left in our block reservation, you don’t want to wait. Book your spot today!

CLICK HERE to see the full Itinerary & to Reserve your spot!

We want YOUR thoughts on all things golf. Call the FGN 24/7 Listener Hotline – 989-787-0193 – anytime you have a question, comment, rant, or contest entry!

Please subscribe to the FGN Podcast!

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